
A major in Piano is often listed as a concentration within a broader music or music performance major. This doesn’t mean you won’t have the opportunity to play your heart out as well as study with some of the best living pianists. Instead, it means that you’ll be able to supplement all of those piano lessons with some intensive music theory and history courses that will develop and expand your appreciation and understanding of the Piano. Of course, all of the great pieces will be here, from Mozart to Beethoven to Rachmaninoff to contemporary composers. This combination of both practice and study will provide you with something beyond the traditional Piano lessons you may have taken, because as a Piano major you will not only learn your instrument, and learn it well; you will also develop your understanding of music as a whole, and how you as a musician just might have something to contribute to the body of works that have shaped our imaginations and enriched our lives.


  • Conducting

  • Large Ensembles

  • Music Aural Training I-IV

  • Music Form & Analysis

  • Music History

  • Music Theory I-IV

  • Piano Lessons

  • Piano Literature

  • Piano Pedagogy

  • Small Ensembles


Don’t expect to just walk in on your music teacher’s laurels. You will have to do some auditioning to demonstrate your skills and talent, so make sure you have taken the time to develop those musical inclinations through lessons and practice, practice, practice.